WinterDeep 2025 showing of “January Flock” - photo by Mark Lombard
"I walk in the woods to find sacred ground."
I am a late-blooming Vermont poet and songwriter. I was a storyteller for businesses and organizations, created digital content, video scripts and product stories. After a successful career in communications and marketing, I’m happily retired, with more time/energy for creative pursuits. During Covid I started guitar lessons, and joined a women’s ukulele group in 2024.
I write poetry (mostly Haiku and Haibun) and song lyrics. I'm an active member of the Burlington Writer’s Workshop, a nonprofit writing support and educational organization based in Burlington VT.
I've been a Consulting Editor and former Poetry Editor of Mud Season Review. My work has appeared in Stonecoast Review, Red Wolf Journal, Tuck Magazine, MockingHeart Review, HerStory & Cold Lake Anthology. My poems have been on display on Burlington’s Poetry Path, Montpelier’s PoemCity and recently part of “WinterDeep,” a sound and light outdoor experience produced by Tree Wild, with tech support from The Media Factory.
I live with my husband in Vermont close to Lake Champlain, the Green Mountains and the beautiful province of Quebec. We are active grandparents and enjoy bike touring. I completed hiking the 46 High Peaks of the Adirondacks at age 58. I spied my personal motto on the license plate of a friend’s car - NVR2L8.
Kill Kare State Park, St. Albans, Vermont